Coors, Miller take Bud Light share amid controversy

The recent controversy surrounding Bud Light sent total purchases of the beer down 23% YoY in the four weeks ending April 27th, according to Earnest Scanner (CPG) data. Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch’s other major brand) purchases also declined 8% in the same four weeks. Meanwhile, US consumers continued buying beer with total US beer sales falling only 2% YoY in the four weeks ended April 27th. Instead shoppers turned to other national brands. Coors and Miller purchases each grew 17%, and Pabst (PBR) purchases grew 13% during the same time period. As a result Bud Light lost 5 points of market share by sales in the four week period, while Budweiser lost 2 points.
Read more about Earnest Scanner CPG product data here.